BSUH Comedy Revue - One flew over the Doctors Mess. Performed on Friday 7 June at The Old Market Theatre in Hove. Revue Directors - Lulu Rashid and Maissa Rosie.
Cast: Rupy Aujila, Duane Cook, Pamela Dallyn, Belal El-Essawy, Rosalind Haire, Hugh Harvey, Holly Hayward, Matt Jarvis, Justin Kua, Sophie Lane, Salwa Malik, Mo Mahmud, Ellie Mason, Ed Noon, Farzad Saadat, Alex Teagle. Cameo performances by Steve Barden & Tony Frew.
The band; The Sliding Scales - Richard Mooney (acoustic guitar) Hugh Harvey (keyboard) Peter Van Den Bosch (drums) & Rich Crawley (bass guitar)