Dramatis Personae
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32 imagesBradley Travis - Principal Baritone with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 Iolanthe - Strephon Ruddigore - Sir Ruthven Murgatroy (Robin Oakapple)
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19 imagesEddie Wade - Principal Baritone with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 The Pirates of Penzance - Pirate King The Sorcerer - Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre Iolanthe - Earl of Mountararat
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15 imagesJennifer Parker Mezzo Soprano with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 The Pirates of Penzance - Edith Iolanthe - Iolanthe
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14 imagesJuliet Montgomery Soprano with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 Ruddigore - Zorah
2 galleriesKelli-Ann Masterson - Soprano with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company and Elsie Maynard in The Yeomen of the Guard Photo: Jane Stokes
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19 imagesNick Sales - Principal Tenor with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 The Pirates of Penzance - Frederick The Sorcerer - Alexis Iolanthe - Earl Tolloller
2 galleriesPhoebe Smith - Soprano with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Photo: Jane Stokes (DJ Stotty Images)
40 imagesRichard Gauntlett Principal Baritone (Patter Man) with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 The Pirates of Penzance - Major General Stanley The Sorcerer - John Wellington Wells Trial By Jury - The Learned Judge Iolanthe - The Lord Chancellor
42 imagesRosanna Harris Principal Soprano with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 Ruddigore - Rose Maybud Iolanthe - Phyllis
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6 imagesStephanie Poropat Soprano with the National Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Company Tour 2018 Iolanthe - Celia
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20 imagesHeadshot - William Costello Friday 09 August 2024 Photo: Jane Stokes (DJ Stotty Images)
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